
AMC Insurance Acquires All Risk Insurance Agencies Ltd.
Our New office in Downtown Vancouver is located at 206 Davie St, Vancouver, BC V6B 5Z6

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Condo Insurance


Protect your property and valuables with condo insurance that covers the value of your home, your belongings, and other personal property.


Take advantage of financial protection from accidents that cause bodily injury or damage when someone is on your property.

Loss of Unit

Protect yourself financially from the significant loss you may incur if your condo is damaged beyond repair.

Living Expenses

Cover expenses you would incur if you have to live away for some time, including lodging, meals, storage, and more.

Find Affordable Condo Insurance Rates Based On These Factors

At AMC Insurance, we value our clients and work hard to provide affordable rates to protect your investments. Before you start shopping for condo insurance, explore the following factors that determine coverage costs:

Property Value

The primary factor determining your insurance rates’ costs is your property value. Consider how much it would cost to rebuild or repair your home and replace your valuables.


Your location also plays a significant role in costs. Rates tend to be higher for properties in areas prone to severe weather conditions.

Claims History

If you have a significant history of making claims, your premium rates will also be higher. Additionally, if you have a clean record, you may be able to find substantial discounts.

Property Age

For condos with older appliances and roofs, you may also have premiums increases.

Credit Score

Your credit score is also used to determine your insurance rates.

Hazard Risks

Although most condos come equipped with extra protection for hazards such as fire and flooding, these factors may impact your insurance rates with increased premiums.

Condo Insurance

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Shop Our Condo Insurance Policies With Our Specialized Insurance Brokers.

Your condo is one of your most valuable assets, so you must protect it. We represent Canada’s largest and most financially stable insurance companies, allowing us to secure competitive rates without compromising coverage. Our condo insurance experts are committed to working with you to design a policy that meets your needs and fits your budget. Ultimately, this gives you the peace of mind you deserve.

Choose AMC Insurance Broker for your Condo Insurance.

We often get asked what is covered by my condo insurance. Take a look below for a quick snapshot of our primary coverage. Your policy is as unique as you, and policies vary from one client to the next. In addition to our basic condo insurance policies, there are other types of coverage that you can add on, such as earthquake insurance. Speak to one of our experienced condo insurance brokers if you have any questions.

Condo Property Insurance

Protect your physical property with coverage that provides financial coverage for repairs and replacement.

Condo Owners Liability

Take advantage of financial protection from medical bills, legal fees, and lawsuits related to personal injury or property damage that occurs on your property.

Comprehensive Condo Policy

Comprehensive coverage includes add-ons that cover you financially from damage or injury that occurs from factors not covered by typical policies.

Condo Insurance FAQ

Do I Need Condo Insurance?
Condo insurance is not mandatory as most condo corporations already have insurance that covers the building for specific situations. However, these policies do not cover the contents of your condo, your liability, and extra living expenses if your unit needs to be repaired or replaced.
e coverage you need depends on several factors and varies from person to the next. You should have enough protection to cover the minimum value of your property and belongings.

AMC Insurance considers several factors when determining your premium amount. This includes the age and condition of your home, value, location, claims history, hazard risks, years you’ve lived in your home, and how much protection you need.

We work hard to find you the most affordable insurance policy on the market. If discounts are available, our brokers will ensure you get anything you qualify for, including zero claims history, security enhancements, multipolicy discounts, and more!

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