
AMC Insurance Acquires All Risk Insurance Agencies Ltd.
Our New office in Downtown Vancouver is located at 206 Davie St, Vancouver, BC V6B 5Z6

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COVID-19 has brought much uncertainty and misinformation into our lives.  AMC Insurance urges you to consider the sources of information you read over the internet. You may be overwhelmed with COVID-19 advice. Many people have lost their jobs, reduced hours and the lucky maybe still working from home. AMC wants to help.

While most businesses have closed, or have reduced hours or services, and have most people working from home, the BC Government has designated Insurance as an Essential Service in order to protect and serve BC residents.  Recent, temporary changes from the Insurance Corporation of BC (ICBC) and the Insurance Council of BC (Council) have allowed Insurance agencies like AMC to continue this essential service, technology allowing work from home where possible. Police have confirmed that they will not be checking decals on plates, but can check the plate to see if there is insurance or not. And they will be handing out tickets and towing if you have no coverage.

AMC is open during this time, allows only 2 customers at a time for walk-in, but can process your renewals, changes, temporary permits, cancellations, etc. over the phone or via the internet.  Ensure that your insurance is up to date, and appropriate for your situation. Changes can be mailed or emailed to you. You may be asked to bring in original documents, etc. to the office, where you will be served at the door, with minimal contact, to keep our employees and yourself safe with the Social Distancing rules in effect.

For those who are no longer driving to and from work, or driving around for business(Tips to Grow Your Business), you can save money by changing to pleasure only.  This can save anywhere from $10-$40 per month, depending on your driving experience, the age of the car, and your coverage options.

If your family has more than one vehicle and can park your car in a locked garage, consider canceling insurance on the extra vehicles you will not be used during this time.  For most people, this would be at least 2 weeks of not using the car. AMC would need your plate returned to cancel the policy, and would recommend storage insurance as an alternative to coverage, as home insurance does not cover your stored vehicle.

Keep in mind, if you cancel your ICBC insurance, you cannot park the vehicle on the street, it must be on private property.

In either case, AMC will track both cancellations and coverage reductions, and provide an extra service of contacting you when COVID-19 restrictions are relaxed, so you may have the opportunity to get back on track with the correct coverage.

Stay Safe, Stay at Home, phone or email us, so that licensed insurance brokers at AMC Insurance can give you customized, personal advice for your best insurance coverage.




1. Are you still open?

Yes, we are still open for business. The BC Government has designated Insurance as an Essential Service in order to protect and serve BC residents. We are here to serve you with all your insurance needs.

2. How are you protecting customers and employees?

As a precautionary measure in these challenging times of COVID-19, all our services remain the same, we are trying to reduce in-person meeting unless necessary and request all our customers and clients to use our phone services for all your insurance needs, transactions, transfers and other inquiries. For ICBC services where the customer needed to come to our office, we ask our customers to stay in the parking area and open our door just to exchange of documents, number plates, etc. so that we do not compromise the protection to our Representatives.

3. Where can I find up to date information during COVID-19?

For information or updates regarding our services during COVID19 click here

4. What should I do if I get into an accident and need to file a claim?

We suggest you to first move a safe area, secondly stop your vehicle and get out of the vehicle. Thirdly, Check on your injuries and also of others who are involved in the accident for injuries, properly checked by the healthcare professional. Call the police to the accident location and avoid admitting fault or blaming others. Gather important information. If you have a smartphone, take pictures or videos of the scene. If you are a customer of AMC Insurance, Call us at 1-866-350-8555 to claim your insurance. or Visit : Claims

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