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Would You Disable Your Phone While Driving For A Discount On Your Insurance?

Would you disable your phone while driving for a discount on your insurance?  That is a question that ICBC is looking into under the request of the new NDP provincial government.  With the cloud of a possible 30% increase to insurance premiums being reported in the press, due to in part a 23% increase in accidents over the last 3 years,  the insurer is looking at technology to disable phones while driving.

Distracted Driving 1 icbc auto insurance

Attorney General David Eby has said, ” Potentially, people could have a lower insurance rate if they agree to implement these technologies in their vehicle.”  If the use of this new technology is effective in reducing the distracted driving accidents, ICBC would see an easing on the recent financial pressure.

Of the 23% increase in accidents, distracted driving is a contributing factor.  Distracted driving is now the second leading cause of death on BC’s roads only behind speeding and ahead of impared driving.

While many of us may have not heard of this technology it is far from old.  “American insured drivers get a reduced rate if they implement these in their vehicles,” says Eby.  The amount of the discount is not mentioned by Eby at this time as ICBC is still in the early stages of reviewing this technology.

While the technology seems to have benefits there is some privacy concerns,  Eby acknowledge that people who sign up for this, if implemented, would have to waive some privacy, at least in terms of their driving habits.

So the question is, would you use this technology to save some money?


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